Make Your Career Climate Change Oriented

There are thousands of opportunities to work in climate change. Evaluate if you can switch your career, or orient your current work for our planet.

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Why is this important?

  • As part of the transition to a climate safe world millions of jobs are being created focusing on climate protection and sustainability.  

  • Jobs in clean technology, responsible finance, software engineering, marketing, regenerative agriculture, operations and construction are all growing fast and are often highly paid. 

  • Many large and small companies are actively looking for employees with a sustainability focus. Employees just like you.

Key Actions

Explore climate career opportunities

What do climate careers look like? Take ten minutes to see the job opportunities out there and consider potential fits with your interests. Consider applying to them if you’re in the job market. If you’re a student, these will help you discover the industry.


  1. Read this Sustainability Career guide to find out more about the opportunities available.

  2. Explore climate-positive career opportunities at

  3. Discover even more climate career opportunities at Sustainable Career Pathways

  4. For engineering students, Impact Labs makes applying to socially-positive jobs easy. 

  5. Read GreenBiz’s annual "State of the Profession report" to learn about how much sustainability employees earn, where they work and what they do.

Explore climate career opportunities

What do climate careers look like? Take ten minutes to see the job opportunities out there and consider potential fits with your interests. Consider applying to them if you’re in the job market. If you’re a student, these will help you discover the industry.


  1. Read this Sustainability Career guide to find out more about the opportunities available.

  2. Explore climate-positive career opportunities at

  3. Discover even more climate career opportunities at Sustainable Career Pathways

  4. For engineering students, Impact Labs makes applying to socially-positive jobs easy. 

  5. Read GreenBiz’s annual "State of the Profession report" to learn about how much sustainability employees earn, where they work and what they do.

Sign up to a climate jobs newsletter

Stay up to date with climate news, discover career opportunities and find the latest job postings.


  1. Sign-up for Ed's Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs, a clean energy & sustainability jobs newsletter.

  2. Sign-up for Climate Base’s newsletter Climate Careers.

Sign up to a climate jobs newsletter

Stay up to date with climate news, discover career opportunities and find the latest job postings.


  1. Sign-up for Ed's Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs, a clean energy & sustainability jobs newsletter.

  2. Sign-up for Climate Base’s newsletter Climate Careers.

Bring climate awareness to your job now

Many people are showing climate leadership in their workplaces through their work, voice and example.


  1. Make a plan and talk to colleagues how you can build climate action into your workplace.

  2. In a tech job? Join ClimateAction.Tech a global network of tech professionals supporting climate solutions.

  3. Writing? Incorporate climate change into your narratives or reporting to help inspire others to action.

  4. Involved in economics? Get involved with Economists for Future a group created to mobilize economists to avert the climate crisis.

  5. Teaching? Access high quality cross-curricula resources developed by teachers to help pupils understand climate change.

  6. Creative? Follow Climate Designers who have a climate career guide specific to you. 

  7. Student? Explore Impact Labs to get connected to Climate social entrepreneurs.

Bring climate awareness to your job now

Many people are showing climate leadership in their workplaces through their work, voice and example.


  1. Make a plan and talk to colleagues how you can build climate action into your workplace.

  2. In a tech job? Join ClimateAction.Tech a global network of tech professionals supporting climate solutions.

  3. Writing? Incorporate climate change into your narratives or reporting to help inspire others to action.

  4. Involved in economics? Get involved with Economists for Future a group created to mobilize economists to avert the climate crisis.

  5. Teaching? Access high quality cross-curricula resources developed by teachers to help pupils understand climate change.

  6. Creative? Follow Climate Designers who have a climate career guide specific to you. 

  7. Student? Explore Impact Labs to get connected to Climate social entrepreneurs.

To Consider

Upskill with a course on sustainability


  1. Take a free course from our non-profit friends at Climate Science.

  2. Get a climate crash course, work on projects from climate organizations and meet potential collaborators at

  3. Take a free course focused on sustainability in business and innovation on SAP’s educational platform.

Upskill with a course on sustainability


  1. Take a free course from our non-profit friends at Climate Science.

  2. Get a climate crash course, work on projects from climate organizations and meet potential collaborators at

  3. Take a free course focused on sustainability in business and innovation on SAP’s educational platform.

How it adds up

  • To create a healthy Earth, we need all hands on deck bringing climate awareness into their work.

  • You can orient your day-to-day work to have an ongoing impact—directly and by inspiring others.

  • The Green economy is growing fast and recent research from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate reports that climate action could deliver at least $26 trillion in economic benefits through 2030 (source).

  • Wind-turbine technicians and solar-panel installers are the fastest-growing jobs in the United States, growing at a rate 12 times as fast as the rest of the US economy according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (source).